A New and Improved Life in Colombia

Perfect imperfection

“What’s up, everyone. I just wanted to share how Colombia has changed my life for the better. I don’t usually talk about this, but I used to be a very quiet person who kept to himself. I didn’t really have or want friends, but since arriving in this beautiful country so much has changed within myself. This country’s warmth and welcoming nature made me feel things that I was not used to but grew to love. At first, it was strange hearing people say good morning or hello to me, but I grew to love it. I felt like I was a part of a community and didn’t just exist. Talking to people every day no matter where I am is incredible. Making friends has never been easier; if you like dancing, this is the place to be. Before coming here, I never danced a day in my life, but I can proudly say that I am a good dancer even though my girlfriend Lili says I need some lessons.

Now I must talk to you about how food in Colombia is amazing and healthy. The food here is incredible and much healthier than in the United States; it is cheaper to eat healthy and good food at home. Since coming here, a year ago, I’ve lost roughly 50 kilos (115 pounds). Being here makes me want to be more active. To get up and talk to people every day is an amazing feeling. Every time I leave my house to go to the store around the corner, I always end up talking to someone, and just by being here, my Spanish has improved very much. I still have a way to go, but in another year, I should be fine. Speaking of that, on September 21st was my first anniversary of arriving in Colombia. The first of many years because I can truly say that I absolutely love this country.”

by: John Layne

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